
Technical Support

If you need help with a specific issue or problem and cannot locate the required information in the online help we suggest that you visit our forums (see address below). You may also post your own questions on the forums. Alternatively, or if you don't find what you are looking for in the forums, you can contact support by email (see address below).

If you experience errors while using CDGFix 3 Super we recommend we suggest you click on the Submit button in the message box that is displayed. This will take you to a new window that lets you send all the relevant information directly by email to our support department. This way we will get all the required information (license key, operating system details, call stack, etc.) and can respond quicker. You may also select Support and then Report a Problem/Bug on the Help menu directly.

World Wide Web:

User forums:


Office hours:

Monday to Friday

9 am to 3 pm CET (Central European Time)