


CDGFix Crew

Many hours of hard work and love have gone into bringing you CDGFix 3 Super. Thanks go to the following courageous souls: Mithrandir, KaNoBi and Jbes.


External Credits

The large number of CDGFix 3 Super users out there give us the inspiration, feedback and ideas needed to keep CDGFix 3 Super evolving. We depend on this feedback to know which new features to implement, and to track down and fix bugs.

Credit also goes to Jim Bumgardner for the paper he wrote in 1995 describing the CDG format. When we first started thinking about a program to help automate the previously so tedious process of repairing badly ripped songs his paper gave us the inspiration and information needed. Thanks to Jim and his description of the format CDGFix became a reality.

CDGFix 3 Super includes software developed by vbAccelerator. View the vbAccelerator Software License here.



CDGFix is a registered trademark of CDGFix Crew in the USA.

Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.

Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.

CAVS is a trademark of CAVS USA Inc.

SCDG is a registered trademark of CAVS USA Inc.

RSQ is a trademark of RSQ Audio.

NEO+G is a trademark of RSQ Audio.

Philips is a registered trademark of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.

Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective holders.


Supported technologies

CDGFix 3 Super depends on some third-party components to do parts of the work. The following is a list of software / libraries / technologies that keep CDGFix 3 Super going:



The LAME library is one of the two MP3 encoders supported by CDGFix 3 Super.



And BLADE is the other supported MP3 encoder.



CDGFix 3 Super supports the use of freedb for loading information about the tracks on a CDG disc, as well as sending information about discs to freedb.



CDGFix 3 Super supports reading and writing ID3 tags version 1 and 2. The code used by CDGFix 3 Super to handle ID3 tags are written by mathXpert.



The libraries used by CDGFix 3 Super to read and write ZIP archives are Zip32 and UnZip32 provided by Info-ZIP. Steve McMahon at vbAccelerator has written an excellent interface to these two libraries.



The error detection and correction technology used on CDG discs to protect the graphics are known as Reed Solomon. The Reed Solomon software used by CDGFix 3 Super is originally written by Phil Karn.



CDGFix 3 Super relies on the MMC specification applied through the ASPI layer in order to access CD and DVD drives. The traditional ASPI layer only allows access to SCSI devices, while a lot of computers today are equipped with ATAPI drives. Thanks to the StarBurn SDK made available by Rocket Division Software, both SCSI and ATAPI drives can be accessed uniformly by CDGFix 3 Super.



CDGFix 3 Super supports the use of different songbook programs (in CDGFix terminology known as Disc Lookup Catalogs) to load track info for CDG discs as well as tracks stored on HDD. Currently the following Disc Lookup Catalogs are supported:

In addition CDGFix 3 Super also supports the use of a CSV-file as Disc Lookup Catalog. If you have a songbook program other than the above mentioned that is capable of exporting a CSV-file you may still use it with CDGFix 3 Super.