
Welcome to CDGFix

This is the website dedicated to bringing you the most unique tools for repairing, converting and backing up your karaoke files. Have you got a damaged karaoke disc? Does the lyrics not display properly? Confetti and other random graphics noise scattered through the lyrics?microphone

Then you don’t need to put up with it any longer.You can now fix it and you are just a few easy steps away from making an error free file.

Want to build a SuperCDG library from your CD+G discs or from karaoke files on your harddrive? Then CDGFix is the tool to use. Or, do you want to extract your favorite songs from a SuperCDG DVD for use in any player? Once again, CDGFix does the trick.

The newest version of CDGFix now allows you to handle NEO+G DVDs in the same, easy way as the SuperCDG format. Extract songs from a NEO+G DVD or build a new NEO+G disc with you own, favorite songs.

CDGFix is also much more than just a piece of software, it will become your best friend to handle your karaoke files and help you protect your investments.

We work hard to supply you with easy-to-use tools for the tasks you need to perform, and will continuously design and develop new features.

We created our software with the help of many users worldwide. Once you join our family, every idea or feature you suggest counts. Don’t be surprised if your suggestion becomes a new program feature you can actually see and use. We listen to our users because we make software to help improve your business or personal karaoke files. That’s what we are all about.Consider us a partner and a friend, because at CDGFix it really is about the Fresh Software and Warm People.

- The home of CDGFix - © 2007 - 2021 CDGFix Crew - All rigths reserved -