
Disc Catalogs



CDGFix 3 Super can use various songbook software (Disc Catalogs) to populate the various columns in the Project window with track information. In order to use a specific songbook program with CDGFix 3 Super you must first have it installed on your computer with a valid license. It is also possible to configure and use more than one songbook program, in which case you will be prompted for which one to use for a specific task.

The Disc Catalogs configuration page is common for all configured songbook programs, and instructs CDGFix 3 Super how to format the information. By deselecting all options on this page the information will be used as it is delivered from each songbook program. However, by selecting the options of your preference you can achieve a standard formatting independently of which songbook program you use.

For song titles the following options apply:

For artist names the following options apply: