
No lyrics displayed

When no graphics (lyrics) are displayed during playback of a track there are several possible reasons. Below you will find a list of probable causes with corresponding suggestions for how to resolve the situation.


Cause: The channels the graphics play on have been switched off.

Solution: Most CDG brands play on the channels 0 and 4 (for a description of channels and their usage please refer to The CDG graphics format). If one or both of these channels are deactivated start by activating them. This is done using the Channels menu. If this does not help try to activate all channels in case the track in question plays on another channel.


Cause: The graphics part of the track may be empty.

Solution: This may happen if the track is ripped from a CDG disc using a CD drive that do not support returning the CDG data stream. To verify if this is the case you can select Timeline on the Tools main menu.  This will bring up the Timeline dialog that displays both the graphics and the sound as two separate diagrams. If the graphics part of the diagram only contains a flat line the graphics file is empty. The solution is then to rip the track again using another CD drive capable of returning the CDG data stream. For more details please refer to Ripping a CDG disc results in sound only, no graphics.


Cause: The track may have errors in the Load Color Table instructions, resulting in an empty color table.

Solution: If the Load Color Table instructions has errors the color table may be empty, resulting in the graphics all being painted in black. To check if this is the case pause the track after a while when there should have been graphics displayed. Then select Current Colortable on the main View menu. The displayed dialog show the current color table entries. If these all are black (or have another identical color in all cells) then the probable reason is faulty Load Color Table instructions. To remedy this situation you can either request a new track from the original source if possible, or try to repair the faulty instructions. You will find information to assist you with this in The CDG graphics format chapter.


If none of the above helped you resolve your problem you can contact CDGFix 3 Super support as detailed in the Technical support section.