

Located on menu:


Shortcut key:

Ctrl N

Enabled when:


Dialog displayed:

Save File As

Toolbar button:



Creates a new CDGFix 3 Super project. If the current project has been modified since it was opened or last saved you will be prompted whether to save or discard the changes, or cancel the New Project command.

When creating a new project you can choose between to distinct project types; a native CDGFix 3 Super project (file type CFP) or a CAVS SuperCDG library (file type DAT). The project type is selected in the Save File As dialog that is displayed. In this dialog you also select the name of the new project and where to put the file(s). Native CDGFix 3 Super projects are by default saved in the CDGFix 3 Super subfolder Projects.

A native CDGFix 3 Super project can hold tracks of any supported file format, and is a convenient way to group multiple tracks that you want to work with as a unit. Using the different project menu commands to operate on the project tracks you can:

A CDGFix 3 Super project can be created just by starting to drag tracks into the empty Project window (or by using the Add File and Add Folder commands on the Project menu) - i.e. you don't have to use the New command. Just add the tracks you want and then select Save As on the project menu.