
Rip a SuperCDG disc

CDGFix 3 Super can read both commercial and homemade SuperCDG discs. Your computer must be equipped with a DVD drive capable of reading the disc - note that most commercial SuperCDG DVDs are dual-layer.


Caution: We - the CDGFix Crew - encourage you to read and understand our Disclaimer before you optionally choose to rip a SuperCDG disc.



Rip your SuperCDG disc

To rip the tracks from your SuperCDG disc to one of the supported formats you basically need to perform two steps:

  1. Load the SuperCDG disc into the CDGFix 3 Super Project window

  2. Run the Export Tracks function to perform the actual ripping


1. Loading a SuperCDG disc into the Project

Loading the SuperCDG disc into the Project window is as simple as selecting Load Disc on the Project menu or the Project toolbar. In the dialog that is displayed select the drive containing your SuperCDG disc.


Note: The Load Disc command requires that your computer has a working ASPI layer installed. If you don't have ASPI installed you can instead select Open on the Project menu and browse to the drive where the SuperCDG disc is loaded, open the CAVS_MCG folder and select the CVMD0001.DAT file.


CDGFix 3 Super will now read the index table on the SuperCDG disc and populate the Project window with track titles and artist names. You are now ready to export tracks to the format you want.


Tip: You can change the formatting of titles and/or artist names before the export by selecting Format Title/Artist on the project Tools menu.


2. Exporting the tracks to a selected format

The export process is quite simple. Select Export Tracks on the Project menu to bring up the Export Tracks dialog. Using this dialog select your options for the ripping and click Run. Please refer to the description of this dialog for more details on this process.