

In this chapter you will find descriptions on how to resolve different problems you might encounter. If the following topics do not cover what you are looking for we suggest you try the CDGFix forums, or contact our support department. You will find more information about doing so under  Technical support.

CDGFix 3 Super can be started in Safe Mode. This is done by holding down the Shift key and the Ctrl key during startup. CDGFix 3 Super will then avoid loading some preferences that can cause undesired behaviour. All windows will be located at their default positions and sizes as when CDGFix 3 Super was first installed. If you accidentally have resized/moved windows off screen you can use Safe Mode to get them back on screen.


Troubleshooting topics:

Menu items are disabled or do not work

Some of the windows disappeared

No sound

No lyrics displayed

Double set of lyrics

Ripping a CDG disc results in sound only, no graphics

None of my CD or DVD drives are recognized

My external CD or DVD drives are recognized

My new SuperCDG DVD is not recognized by CAVS

When trying to start CDGFix 3 Super I get error message "ActiveX can't create object"

Microsoft Scripting Runtime is disabled